The BAFTA have just announced their list of Nominees for 2020 and it is with great regret but no surprise that “Leaving Neverland” is nominated 3 times for “Director: Factual”, “Editor: Factual” and “Factual Series”.
It is really a disappointment that such institution will recognize such a monstrosity and call it “Factual”. I guess we have a different definition for that word!
We have decided to write to the BAFTA and here it is:
As an institution of art and Entertainment, we look to you to guide us through the film and tv art. We look to you as a serious institution recognizing true artists and talents.
However, I cannot express how disappointed you have become since you are now guided by money and greed!
Factual Documentary: “Leaving Neverland” – SURE! Did you at least look at the authenticity of those behind this film? Did you check if they were actually telling the truth or just making a movie to be a sensation and grabbing as much money as possible?
People around the world have spend the whole 2019 debunking this so called documentary. All the documents and proofs are available for you to see and proving that this is NOT a documentary but based on lies of 2 individuals and guided by the greed of an opportunistic director!
An opportunist director, Dan Reed that you have a clear affiliation to, as you have always rewarded him with awards.
“Leaving Neverland” is against other true documentaries which shows that those involved were jailed for the crimes they have perpetrated. “Leaving Neverland” is going after a voiceless man that cannot prove his innocence.
And now you want to award those involved! Living in a “Fake News” society, where black men get judged without any proofs, BAFTA should have check the authenticity of this Dan Reed’s so called documentary.
But I guess your integrity is of no value to you. So it is clear that BAFTA has no value to me and to millions of people around the world!
Have fun in your little gathering and tapping each other on the back for doing a good job while true victims and oppressed people see you for what you are: hypocrites, opportunists and liars!
Feel free to contact the BAFTA and express your feelings:
T: +44 (0)20 7734 0022
E: info@bafta.org
British Academy of Film and Television Arts
195 Piccadilly
Michael Jackson is INNOCENT !!! they are perfidious liars for the money they were able to do all this pseudo document is one hideous lie please look at the eyes
If many people would write serious and professional letters with no name-calling, they would have to take another look at this. But when people write a rant, it is easy to dismiss them as “one of those crazy Michael Jackson fans.” Please consider writing to them with a different tone.
Michael Jackson es INOCENTE,esos dos no se merecen las nominaciones de este documental
Ahora gozan del lucro de una persona que no fue más que la verdad absoluta, y el corazón de un gran ser humano haciendo diversas luchas para que se mantuviera escuchado por lo más alto, las injusticias y todo lo que a este mundo afecta , alzó la voz con sus canciones para unir a todas las razas y ser una familia, para que viviéramos en un mundo mejor, Es la persona con la que ahora son tan hipócritas y mentirosos para publicar una aberración de documental. MICHAEL ES TOTALMENTE INOCENTE!
These people used him for mon ey while he was alive! Now they persecute him when he cannot defend himself! Well fans around the world have exposed these two liars and will until death! So much for British intelligence! You would award Dan Reed if he made a film wiping his BUM!
Bafta a shame !!! Bafta a shame !!! Bafta Shame !!! Bafta Ignorance !!! Bafta bottom !!! Bafta Injustice !!! Bafta Lying !!! Bafta Immorality !!! Michael is innocent forever!!!
Why would you give an award to someone who makes a film based on lies. SAFECHUCK and Wade went to court and swore an oath that Michael Jackson never touched them, then after mj died they suddenly decided he did. This is about 1 thing and 1 thing only! How to get as much money of Michael Jackson estate as they can.
Bafta i am very disappointed that you will give a price to one documentary like Leaving Neverland, which is full of provable lies against Michael Jackson, Bafta is you a on racist, is it because MJ is black, since you can’t believe it is Michael Jackson who is innocent and he is the victim of Wade Robson and James Safechucks lies, the two white men are just looking for money.
How many times do we have to tell you that MICHAEL IS INNOCENT!!!