Poor Dan Reed, the fake director behind the so called documentary “Leaving Neverland”, took his best cheap pen to write an article in the UK Paper “The Guardian”, as his bitter arse cannot cope with the fact that people did not believe his crappy movie.
As no one cared to interview him, he decided to take it on himself and write a self-congratulatory article about the up-coming Michael Jackson Biopic.
The BAFTA purchased-winner started the article describing how people felt during the premiere of his mockumentary at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival and dropping name such as Oprah Winfrey who supported the movie to commemorate the time when Channel 4 and HBO heavily paid for a PR frenzy to cancel Michael Jackson.
Little he knew that people with a brain will not fall for the pile of lies and crappy actors. Just a bit of research will show that this movie is full of nonfactual events and locations.
Failing to cancel Michael Jackson with Bullshit movie, and clearly jealous of the attention the Biopic is getting in the news lately, Egg-face is now trying to give us his 2 cents opinion:
“To them I say this: even if you do not believe a word of what his many accusers have said; even if you are not concerned by the police investigations and the massive payouts to halt legal proceedings, how do you explain the completely uncontested fact that for years Jackson spent innumerable nights alone in bed with young boys? What was he doing with them, alone in his Neverland bedroom, with alarm bells in the corridor? That cannot be acceptable by any measure.”
He also addressed Graham King and the Estate’s involvement:
“To the film-makers, I say: how will you represent the moment when Jackson, a grown man in his 30s, takes a child by the hand and leads him into that bedroom? How will you depict what happens next? By sidestepping the question of Jackson’s predilection for sleeping with young boys, you are broadcasting a message to millions of survivors of child sexual abuse. That message is: if a paedophile is rich and popular enough, society will forgive him.”
Oh poor bitter Dan Reed! You did not expect people to not be as stupid as you thought they would be, you did not expect fans to debunk your crappy movie so quickly and most of all, please go back to the hole your crawled out from since your mockumentary failed to cancel Michael Jackson! No one cares about your opinion or thoughts!
As a fan, I am still not sure if a Biopic is needed, it might be too early for one but I will not accept opinions on that matter from scam bags who tried everything to destroy an innocent man.
PS: I will not put the link to the shit-mouth article as I don’t really want fans to indulge him with credits and make him think he is relevant.
I had already completely forgotten about this jerk …
I don’t always agree with your articles. But this one is excellent! Thanks Sebastian!
Aínda tá vivo essa cobra …ele vai voltar de onde ele nunca devia ter saído .
Fanbloodytastic article here Sebastian…. Enough said.. ! #MJInnocent #mjforever