In 2009 and 2016, Julio César Valda exhibited his collection in Bolivia. Julio is back with a brand new exhibition called “The Legacy of Michael Jackson – 10 years of Immortality” which will take place in the city La Paz in Bolivia between 25 – 28 June 2019.
The exhibition has grown since and fans and general public will be able to see many Michael Jackson merchandise from around the world.
The event will take place in the House of Culture and while we are waiting for brand new photos, check out the past events:
The collection is made of vinyls, CDs, DVDs, Magazines, Books, Toys and other merchandise dedicated to the King of Pop.
If you are visiting La Paz during that period, check out the exhibition, a clear #HonorMJ moment!
SOURCE: Julio César Valda
Related article: A Collection Exhibition in Bolivia
I love michael jackson
I love michael jackson the king of pop from my heart
This good news . No devil wade or Jame’s fake news can stop the legacy of the most wonderful man on the planet Michael jackson. I’m so happy to hear this coming up this June Glory be to God Almighty
Michael Jackson’s life legacy and career will live on forever
Michael Jackson I Love you!!!!
King Michael before I could know who you’re in this planet you’re already gone
Buh all I knew was your memories is here with us always it’s unforgettable.
I love mj so much