French author, Isabelle Petitjean, just released her 3rd book about Michael Jackson titled “Michael Jackson: Black or White?”
In this book, all in French, Petitjean is talking and analyzing the influence of Michael Jackson on a racial, political, social and breaking barriers ways.
Hopefully this book will be also available in English soon as this topic is essential to understand what Michael Jackson, a black American man, did for the world.
However, this book is for only French speaking fans for now.
The forewords were written by Brad Buxer.
Order your copy HERE

Mj is

Always the Best..Forever
I totally dig it I love mj keep writing!!!
This is wonderful the world should see him for who he really was and not what the tabloids character assasinated him to be. This was his vision of a race less world and is coming to reality. Go moonwalkers. We might have lost the battle but we sure will win the war.

#keepmichealing. Facts don’t lie people do.