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Sunday, March 16, 2025

BOOK: “Missing Michael”, a fictional novel.

A fictional novel just came out and very interesting by taking the view of a fan who believed Michael Jackson is alive. While the story is fictional and written in more of a blog way, the concept is very interesting

Writer, Jonas Gülstorff, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has lived in Amsterdam, Bangkok and New York, and published several poetry collections. The US Space Administration NASA has sent one of his poems with a space probe to Mars.

This time he tackles the world of Michael Jackson in a fictional story about a fan…


In the weeks after Michael Jackson’s untimely death, popular blogger, Skye Sanchez, sets out on a quest to uncover the truth about the King of Pop’s death. Skye has built her life around worshipping Michael, following him around the world with other hardcore fans, and reporting the news to her followers. When Michael dies, she stands to lose everything, and convinces herself and her readers that the whole thing is a hoax. Some poke fun of her naïve belief, while others offer financial aid to investigate the rumors further. Chasing shadows of an entertainer notoriously known for wearing disguises takes Skye back to Neverland, to Michael’s childhood home in Indiana, a mosque in Bahrain, and to a plastic surgeon’s office in Beijing. When Skye finally finds a man who fits the white glove, her readers turn against her, and she finds herself in the same media frenzy Michael was a victim of.

More information about Jonas Gülstorff, visit his website HERE

To order the book, CLICK HERE

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  1. Since a novel IS a work of fiction by definition, to call a novel “fictional” is redundant. That aside, I don’t know if I’d like this novel, given the places it takes its chief protagonist, the grieving fan. However, I’d be interested to hear feedback from other fans as to what they think. I just hope it doesn’t reinforce any of the “Michael is still alive” conspiracy theories.

    • Dear Kerry, Thank you again for your great input! We have decided to emphasise on “Fictional” due to the amount of non-English speaking fans visiting MJVibe and make sure that those fans who are not as good in the English language as you are, know this is a fictional story.

  2. Nowadays, fictional dares to call documentary and won an Emmy, we can no longer trust so called ” expertise” in Media business and also yes. to stress on “fictional” to avoid people believing on whatever they read. We do wish MJ is still alive, but on the other hand, I really feel thankful that he doesn’t need to witness this disgusting ridiculous world that took advantage of him even he is gone for 10 years.

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