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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

BOOK: Objetivo Michael Jackson

A new book has appeared in Spain about Michael Jackson and it is all about the death of Michael.

Going through conspiracy, the court case of Murray and a full investigation by author Concha Calleja.

You will be able to know the forensic testimonies, the federal, police, judicial evidence, and the economic data.

A very thorough investigation in 280 pages.

While it can be hard for fans to go through this moment of time again, it seems a very interesting book to get your hands on… if you speak Spanish of course.

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  1. Roughly translated into English by Google translate of the Amazon webpage:

    Editor’s Review
    “The conspiracy to end the pop star. Early morning on June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson’s doctor enters his room and finds him breathless. Your pulse is barely detectable. Hours later his death is declared in the medical center of the ucla Ronald Reagan, and the news goes around the world. The case of Michael Jackson was so famous that nobody knows him. That is the author’s answer to why she has been involved in the investigation of what could have happened that night. The official version does not add up. Its result is the present book where we can see Jackson’s psychological profile and, the psychological autopsy he performs, under the strange mysteries of his death. In this book Calleja opens a thorough investigation, where the reader will be able to solve at the same time the infinite that ten years after his death remain unanswered: what if the doctor who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, was not to blame for the death of Michael Jackson? What if the homicide was not involuntary? Who is behind his death? Who benefited his death? Was he more dead than alive? And, most fundamentally, who was really Michael Jackson? From the hand of the author you will be able to know the forensic testimonies, the federal, police, judicial evidence, and the economic data until the rabid news. You can see the images, graphics and unpublished documents in your file. Everything at your disposal to give your verdict. A whole case, yes, a case like “Michael Jackson target,” a mystery that continues to move the world, because Michael Jackson is — they like it better, or they like it less — more news than ever.”

  2. About the author (Google translate of the page on Amazon)
    “Author’s Biography
    Concha Calleja was born in Barcelona, ​​and studied Geography and History at UNED. He has a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and is a Judicial Expert in Criminology, Federal Psychology, and Criminal Profiles. He has been investigating controversial cases for decades, with possible failures in the official investigation, to try to respond to the great unknowns they raise and which often seem to hide deliberately. His books propose a challenge for the reader, who is invited to consider them and investigate with her. In his literary beginnings (1991) he carried out reports in the archaeological excavations sponsored by the Archaeological Museum of Gavá (Barcelona), which led to start in the world of the press, and to publish numerous articles in various media, such as La Vanguardia, El Periódico, El Mundo, and MundoCcientfico, La Clave, Pedagogy Notebooks, Very History, History and Life, History16 … Two of his books Cayetana, Duchess of Alba, and The Duchess of Alba’s private album, served as a script for the highly successful television series La Duquesa, which aired on Tele5. Also, the book of the brunette woman, muse of Julio Romero de Torres, served as the basis for the documentary that she presented, and that aired on Canal Sur TV, harvesting important audience data. He currently lives in Madrid, and this is his book number 23.”

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