At MJVibe, we always let you know what new official Michael Jackson products are available. From new releases to new t-shirts, we are there to let you know!
But we are also here to make sure you don’t get dupped with bootlegs or fake items! Usually we just don’t mention those items but this time it is a bit different!
Why is it different? As Michael Jackson fans, we always want new releases or re-releases, especially for those of us who were not around when they first came around on the market. We all have “Off The Wall”, “Thriller”, “Bad” and “Dangerous” LPs. They were hugely available back then so they are easy to find an original version and the Estate & Sony have re-issued those multiple times since.
But the ones the fans really want are “HIStory” and “Blood On The Dance Floor” LPs. Those never been re-issued yet by the Estate or Sony. We are not sure why, and the demand is so high that unscrupulous people saw this urge and decided to make bootleg versions and scam fans for their money.
Those bootleg versions are currently going around France and sure to be spread across the world, especially if fans purchased them. French Youtuber and MJ influencer Hector Barjot warned fans on his social media about those items few weeks ago.
While we can understand that fans don’t want to pay a large sum for the originals, those bootlegs cannot guarantee you the quality of sound or print but also, the money you will pay for those fake albums will go straight to the pocket of counterfeiters and not Michael Jackson!
So make sure you don’t get scammed by those people and hopefully, one day the Estate will re-issue those albums!
Great article,
and yes it’s a shame that the Estate don’t re-release em so people out there had to make Fake versions.
I will never ever go buy this kinda Fake items
So thanks for let us know about it