MICHAEL JACKSON DANCE WORKSHOP – with LaVelle Smith Jr! (Toronto)


    We ran into some interference! The page had to be remade because we just discovered it was on private! (Invite Only).
    I am so sorry for this mistake, but it has been fixed and we are ready to resume promotion!


    An AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Do not miss this once-in-a-lifetime event!

    Michael Jackson’s longtime choreographer, principal dancer and friend, LAVELLE SMITH Jr, will be holding a special TWO-DAY dance workshop in Toronto!! 🙂 He will be teaching us MJ’s signature moves and share special times spent with Michael Jackson!

    In order for this event to happen at a fairly affordable price, we need passionate and dedicated fans and dancers to ATTEND!!

    Current key points to note:

    **Price is UNKNOWN at this time, as the cost is 100% dependant on the number of people who sign up.
    **Date has been set for the long weekend in May, Saturday, May 21st through Sunday, May 22nd, 2016, though this is subject to change!


    Let’s begin with the 5 W’s!

    The legendary dancer who worked with many artists, including the one and only Michael Jackson.. LaVelle Smith Jr.!

    LaVelle Smith does dance workshops all over the world, and I think it’s time we brought him to Canada! Specifically in Toronto! He would be teaching us many of his amazng choreographies and work he did with Michael Jackson! Our goal is to have Lavelle here for a 2 day workshop, so he would be here for 2 nights!

    Right here in Toronto, Canada. Ideally the venue would be in a dance studio, or possibly YMCA Gym.

    Hopefully the weekend of May 21st to May 22nd! This page will be going through MANY updates with info and will take a lot of promotion and hard work.

    Why not is the better question! LaVelle Smith has always been one of MJ’s key dancers and choreographers and he travels the world ready to teach Michael Jackson fans and dancers alike!

    Oh yes, this is the big question.

    As stated, the purpose of this event page (as of right now) is just to promote and gather people willing to attend his possible workshop here in Toronto, next May 2016! But a lot of work is needed.

    Firstly, this event will be expensive. LaVelle will need to have his flight and hotel to Toronto paid for. Also the venue we use (Dance studio or YMCA Gym) will also have to be booked and paid for. And of course, the dance workshop itself. All this combined is at an estimated $5,000!

    Is it possible? Yes! All we need to do is gather as many people as possible to join and come to Toronto. The final cost per participant will include the cost to bring LaVelle here, and of course, the cost of the workshop itself!

    The moral? The more people, the less it costs!! So let’s aim to make $200 per person? Possibly even less! That’s why we need YOU!

    Information will be updated as it comes in, and questions will be answered!