Not all arts have to be on physical format. Dutch artist Ard Gelinck is using his photoshop talents to put images of iconic people and their younger versions next to each other. Like a time machine, each star meet their young-self and it is pretty impressive and amazing in the same time.
Ard goes for all stars, from movies to music, all well-known people around the world are having a photoshop-shoot with themself!
Here some of the stars you can discover and contemplate:
And obviously, Michael Jackson gets also the same treatment but not just once but multiple times. Ard is always commenting how Michael Jackson influenced the world and how much he loves his music!
Here some of the MJ meet MJ:
You can follow Ard Gelinck on FACEBOOK / TWITTER / INSTAGRAM
EYES ON: Nicole Miller / LaMarina Art / Reagan Corbett / David Ngwerume / DUANE SHOOTS TOYS / Jorge Ávila / Laurence M White / Bradley Hart / Pablo Lobato / D43 / Simone Dell’Aglio / Mockstars / Jerome Bourgeot / Georgia Duhh / Guillaume Nicollet / Yann Dalon / MIDICHI / DDA/ Marcus White