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Monday, March 17, 2025

Fans demand change of the artwork for Thriller 40

Petitions to change the logo artwork of “Thriller 40”, the up coming new project of the Estate celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Michael Jackson’s Thriller album have been popping up!

As you may have seen on social media, many fans have been expressing their disappointment in the new celebratory album which will includes unreleased songs. The response of the Estate to the fans was… well I let you read it HERE

A petition demanding the Estate and Sony to change the cover has been shared many times on social media and says:

“Michael Jackson fans are wholely disappointed in the Michael Jackson estate for their effort in designing the cover for the 40th-anniversary release of Thriller. The treatment that the estate has given the greatest album in world history is extremely disrespectful to arguably the most successful entertainer ever to live.
The estate has told us in an email that they have tried to contemporise the album for a new generation; “the biggest change is just to the font for the lettering so that, overall, it feels both familiar and new at the same time”, “the goal was to make the design feel fresh and current for music fans who are only now discovering Michael Jackson and the iconic album”.
There is a difference between making a design feel fresh and completely making it unrecognisable. Michael himself and his team knew how to make the design fresh for thriller 25, but this change is unforgivable.
Prince’s estate does a lot more to preserve his legacy and cater to new generations than the MJ estate does. His fans get photo books, fully remastered films and concerts, and NUMEROUS patterned CDs. We get a double-disc with an ugly font. It truly is disrespectful to Michael’s artistry and legacy. It does NOT cater to a new generation as they had hoped.
An artist as big as Michael Jackson deserves more than spending 15 bucks to change a font. He deserves more than an estate than gives us the BARE minimum every anniversary. He deserves more than an estate that puts in minimal effort. Let’s change this, on behalf of Michael, he’d be disappointed. Let’s change this for him.”

If you agree, you can sign the petition HERE

Meanwhile, very talented fans have been creating their own replacement like Dan Villalobos from Twitter who created those amazing mock-ups:

[Please note the pictures above are not real products nor official designs]

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  1. For the most famous superstar it is a hideous logo. Please change it to a beautiful and perfect design -just like MJ’s music was.

  2. Ich denke es ist nicht gut sich immer über alles aufzuregen Ich bin froh das uns das estate neuen Inhalt unveröffentlichte musik endlich wieder gebt wen die Fans sich immer aufregen wird es nur schlimmer und der estate gibt uns garnix mehr aus trotz

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