OK! This is the silliest video and interpretation of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” I have ever seen but frankly, I have laughed quite a bit!
So two French humourists “Charlie et Styl’o” who clearly love Michael Jackson, did an Acapella of the song using… wait for it… food names!
And even if this is in French, it’s very funny and well done! In the same way Weird Al with “FAT” which was released in 1988.
“Charlie et Styl’o” used “Pain [Bread]” “Tarte” and “Humous” to replace the beats of the song. While the pair of comics said they really love Michael and the video is just silly and funny with no offend intended.
So let’s go and watch it here:
The video was originally posted in June 2020 but became an internet hit in the last couple of weeks!
SOURCE: Charlie et Styl’O