As you may not know Pez, he is the man behind not only MJVibe but also Editor-in-Chief of Iconic Magazine and Feedback Magazine. He is also responsible for Sixteen11 which the home of ‘The Ultimate Collector Book Series’, King of Shop – the Michael Jackson Emporium, ‘Making HIStory Exhibition’ and of course the latest addition to his brainstorm: KINGVENTION, the first European Michael Jackson Convention.
His devotion to the fan community AND to Michael Jackson has no limits! His will to carry on Michael Jackson legacy is something we have never witnessed in the past. MJVibe was created back in 2006 and when Pez met Michael Jackson, he promised him to release a fan magazine: Iconic Magazine. Despite that Michael did not have the opportunity to see Iconic Magazine, we know he would be so proud. This unique fan magazine provides in-site of Michael Jackson’s creativity and work with over 30 interviews within 21 issues [so far]! Pez also wanted to offer the fans a platform for affordable Official Merchandise and he worked very hard to create King of Shop which is now shipping to over 70 countries around the world! Bringing exclusive official merchandise by working with Bravado, Danilo and Pyramid, as we all know, we [fans] always want more Michael!
The last 2 years, Pez dreamed of creating a Michael Jackson Convention which came true last September: Kingvention was a huge success to the point that a second convention is in Pez’s agenda!
Now with all this, we just cannot ignore the man’s Birthday [despite he will be really embarrassed by it as he is such an humble fan and doesn’t like too much of the attention].
So from all of us, we wish you a fantastic Birthday Pez! Thank you so much for making all the above reality!! Here few messages from the Team members and special people just for you!
A Very Happy Birthday Pez! Keep your happiness and devotion for MJ, Plenty Kisses from Noa, Chris & Clotilde”
Happy Birthday Pez! Have an awesome day!
Happy Birthday! Wishing all your projects come true, not only for MJ but also in your personal life which is more important! Kisses! Fabrice“
Happy Birthday Pez! Make sure you have a fun filled day – Dean”
Hey Pezster ! Have a wicked birthday, here’s to turning 40!
lol **This is a solid voucher to having a free print job worth £50** (Maybe) haha Have a wicked birthday ! Sam & Rapidity (More Sam Though)”
Happy birthday P, we’ve been celebrating this day together for the past 10 years and I look forward to many many more! Have an awesome day hun, eat cake and have a drink on me x – Mayah“
Happy birthday pez! You’ve worked so hard and achieved so much, but why not take a day off on your birthday! Have a morning beer for me! Rich”
Happy birthday, Pez! Keep up the great work! – Joe Vogel”
Happy Birthday Pez! Have a Fantastic Day! Thank you so much for everything you do in Memory of Michael Jackson – Seb”
Many happy returns of the day. I hope you have a lovely birthday and celebrate well. You’ve worked diligently and in the earnest, you deserve the best! So here’s to many more
x – Chandni”
I heard it through the grapevines its Pez Greaves Birth Day , we talked on the phone a few times, finally met him a few months ago in london , he’s a outstanding guy, good sense of humor not bad looking either, it’ll be hard to imagine iconic Magazine without him , it was great meeting him. Birthdays are good for you . Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. Pez have a awsome B Day, Party hardy have one on me – Eddie Wolfl”
Dear Pez, Today is your birthday…yuhuu… May your birthday be filled with many happy hours, friends, cakes, champagne and your life with many many happy birthdays and achievements! I’m glad that I met you and I am grateful for everything you did for me. I want to thank you for your friendship and for everything you did and what you do for Michael and his fans! I hope to see you soon and I hope to give you a big glass of beer! Happy Birthday, my friend!!! – Nicu [MJPassion]”
Happy Birthday Pez – congrats on all the great work you did on Kingvention, looking forward to working with you on the next one!
– Ella [purehmv]”
Happy Birthday Pez! Enjoy Iconic Magazine so very much. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to Michael Jackson and the fan community.
Sorry for the delay, but HAPPY birthday Pez. Keep on sharing with all the fans your devotion to MJ them through Iconic, events…. We’re lucky to have a guy like you (and your team) to perpetuate MJ’s legacy.
Happy Birthday to you, Pez, along with my enormous gratitude and deep respect (and I know that of my fellow MJ admirers) for all the terrific work you do!!