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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It’s over for Katherine Jackson vs The Estate

After nearly two years of legal disputes concerning Michael Jackson’s estate, a Los Angeles court has ruled in favor of the estate’s co-executors, dismissing Katherine Jackson’s ongoing objections to a proposed catalog sale with a significant price tag.

Katherine, 94, had repeatedly contested the decision after attorney John Branca and A&R executive John McClain, co-executors of Michael’s estate and trustees of the Michael Jackson Family Trust, secured a probate court ruling last year. This ruling permitted them to proceed with a reported $600 million sale of half of Michael’s music catalogue to Sony.

In court documents filed on Wednesday, Aug. 21, Katherine Jackson’s latest appeal was rejected. The court ruled that her objections “lack merit,” noting that they were not previously raised in the probate court that approved the transaction. Additionally, a review determined that the sale does not violate the terms of the trust.

She still has the option to appeal the decision to the California Supreme Court, although the chances of overturning the ruling are slim.

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    • His so called children is the reason why Sony is getting all his stuff basically for free because of one those snotty nose test tube brats

  1. I feel the decision to end the lawsuit is for the best, Michael died years ago and his children are adults now with their own lives and income, as for Kathrine she has lived a very good life and needs to just enjoy the rest of it, in comfort and peace, she has enough money to live very comfortable. Let Micheal RIP

  2. I knew that the judges would rule in favor of the corporate executor and the companies. They are corporate judges and lawyers. It their courts and laws. They have all of the power. The people don’t have any power and certainly not a single person as Katherine Jackson. Poor Michael he lost his life because of his doctor and now his estate, his music and his weath is not the property of white people. SMH. But that’s the way it goes for us in the United States.

    • WHY do you have to make a racist remark??? This had nothing to do with color, only who had the right to sell!!!

    • Hi Lawerence, John Branca and his lawyers are all Jewish. They are not white. It would be like the equivalent of calling an Albino person white, although they look physically white they are not.

  3. All the king of pop is not here to reconciles his opinion about what he should have his mother is doing the best to see that she get Justice done keep on trying Michael mother he deserved to have what he works for God bless you miss Katherine Jackson

  4. How terrible MJ did not like Sony. How do you sell his Catalog wow I will not buy anything Sony again that is terrible and greedy . You know MJ poured love into Hi music and to break up his catalog wow. And you could at least have the mother some peace on this matter. I hope she appeal again and this time win.

    • Yes, we all know the horror he went through with Sony an̈d he talked about it on numerous platforms. Then to have these so called executors of his estate defy his wishes is terrible. Then to have his children (wink wink) side withe the executors is even more bad. Bet it was an exchange of cash involved. I blame Michael for this unorthodox situation with these children. He should have had a relationship with someone and had his own children.

  5. Juanita…. you didnt ready (or comprehend) what was stated.

    This is about the sale of half of Michael’s music catalogue to Sony. Which is a big deal. Thats why Mrs. Jackson was fighting the sale. Michael did have a great relatuonship with Sony in his later years Nothing to do with their homes or the kids.

  6. The Powers That Be first they had him killed the doctor only received a year behind bars and then they ripped off the family with the trust. I’m still trying to figure out why he gave permission to the white man to be trustee over his estate in the first place? Who does that? The entertainment industry had total control over his life as well as his wealth.

  7. So what’s going to happen to Michael Jackson estate the house and the stuff he worked so hard for,,,,,,he paid is way I read the Michael own half of Sony

    • So just throw it all away just like that 600 million is a triple discount. They are trying to buy Black America’s Icon’s History and get paid for ever. That’s not just a Jackson Estate Deal thats a scheme to steal his Family’Generational Wealth. Sony wants the Masters to his Music. To get that you have full control of anything that got his name on it, to tweak, ssmple, sell,reproduce ,advertise and make Mega Billions x’s What Michael Jackson made being A Mega Superstar Entertainer. The Executors, Sony and the Judge knows that to be true. The “Michael Jackson’Estate need to fire those crook’s file an appeal to fire and investigate the Previous arrangements and agreements with Sony, and stipulation in the type of trust that Michael set forth. America is Watching. This is Our Music Era’ Icon Family

    • No one can know for sure, of course, but not very likely. We are promised our lives as spoil, not this system’s catalog of music, whether Michael’s or whatever other musician’s music might be in the mix since it was Sony music that he had partial ownership of. That has nothing to do with the promised salvation. Jesus sacrifice does not cover the material things of this world.

  8. You have to consider what the best business decision is. Michael was a savvy businessman, and he understood business. He still owns half his catalog and it’ll keep the Trust afloat. Michael’s children(who he adored) were for the sale. It’s a done deal.

  9. I believe since Michael didn’t have a great relationship with Sony and the reason he owned parts of Sony was his dislike for Tomy Montoya (Mariahs ex husband) more like a slapback to Sony, that they allegedly killed him for that reason to get it back. They sent that doctor in to end him and as you see the doctor has disappeared and Sony is so adimate on getting his catalogs that he wouldn’t sell. That’s the reason Katherine was fighting so hard for something Michael fought to keep. So sad how these people keep killing him even after death 💔

  10. Michael didn’t know the time all the day that he was going to have his switch concerning life turned off on him so he should have meditate on what would happen to him and his estate as well and his children if he don’t conduct the right business for his family if he is taking from this world starting to rain so people as Sony look out for their businesses not for your children or your family the only thinking about their own benefits for the loss of someone great that they begin to prosper from

  11. Joe may not have been the best father or husband but he was a good business man.After Micheal axed Joe as his manager and started his solo career he became depressed, reclusive,drug addict and a laughing stock.The image that he portrayed from the 80s up until his death I believe was created by his management team that made him believe it was a good thing which in the end caused him harm.I truly believe his life would have been better if he kept Joe as his manager.

  12. About Mr. Jackson estate no one knows when or how he or she will be leaving this place.thats why rich,and famous entertainers or actors must have a will to be in force for the family as well as Mr. Jackson kid he got great kids that he loves dearly but the thought of him Leaving this world too soon never enter his mind but his kids are his beneficiary as far as the blood line is concerned not Sony,and other money taker finding other loopholes to obtain

  13. I feel for her, I think it wasn’t about the money for her, she has enough of that. I think maybe it about that’s all she has left of him,his music he created.

  14. The catalog isn’t of Michael’s music. He bought several artist’s catalogs and one is the Beatles catalog he owns. That is why hie and Paul McCartney were no longer speaking. As for the executors they took his estate from bankruptcy to securing his legacy and a supporting his mother and his kids. They made his negative into hundreds of millions of dollars

    • Hi Jody! I think you might get confused between the ATV catalogue which the Estate has already sold and Mijac catalogue which includes all MJ’s music and which the Estate just sold 1/2 for $600M to Sony and that is what Katherine was fighting in court for.

  15. That catalogue is at a minimum worth six billion dollars. The lawyers will turn over the Jackson estate only when there’s nothing left to sale rendering their commissions to zero but only after earning millions from lawyer fees. Katherine Jackson knows the true value of her son’s holdings and so do Sony. If Sony can get half of Jackson’s music catalogue for six hundred million they should write the check immediately. If I was Katherine Jackson, I would debate that Jackson’s catalogue be made public. However purportedly Michael made a decision on whom he trusted.


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