HBO and Channel 4 have removed “Leaving Neverland” from their view-on-demand platforms.
It seems that both channels have pulled the plugs on the so called documentary. HBO was supposed to run the programme until September and now planning a last blast on April 17 while Channel 4 has also removed the movie from their 4OD programmes.
This was done on the quiet with no explanation [or maybe they finally realized that the documentary is actually a fictional movie based on lies].
The Estate is currently suing HBO for Breach of agreement over “Leaving Neverland”.
Even Oprah Winfrey has removed her special and all the videos related to the so called documentary on her youtube channel and even deleted all her tweets about the subject.
While the DVD/Blu-ray was supposed to be released on April 22, this has also been pulled back with no release dates and no pre-order available.
However, Dan Reed, the “director” of the “documentary” is still pushing this on social media and he’s getting pretty aggressive with fans – How professional!
Things are finally moving towards the truth and we are hoping that all those people involved, HBO, Channel 4, actors and musicians, reporters and journalists, Retailers and magazines who have supported this monstrous movie to come forward with a big fat apologies to Michael Jackson, his family and his fans and finally put the record straight! One can dream I know but we will not forget those who have spoken against Michael! Vengeance is a dish served cold!
Additional Information: The replays in France on the Channel M6 has also been removed.
No more lies. It’s wrong to do to this to a dead man
Wrong to do to any person. Dead or alive.
This is great news. Looking forward for the whole truth to come out about those LIARS and the world will finally realize that Micheal is Truly Innocent and this nightmare can be over. Thank you for the update and have a Blessed Day
Our work has paid off. We are his voice and we will NEVER allow these liars to tarnish his name and legacy. NEVER!!!!
Absolutely love this news! It was all non sense! No matter what we got his back along with the family’s back!
About time, and I hope they get done for the lies.
I thought it was nonce-sense
In my area, HBO is still carrying LN On Demand for those who have the service. Apparently, initial curiosity has waned. The sooner it disappears, the better imo.
Great news! Whats your source? I am in contact with a journalist for Norwegian Broadcast Corp. who wants to do a follow up story so any information will be great!
HBO, Channel 4, M6 are the sources. Just check their programmes on their websites.
I couldn’t believe it when a fan announced this on Facebook. Then when I went on Twitter you announced it. I felt like I had to pinch myself. After the big battle all us fans have had with HBO etc, it’s a welcome relief. I have a petition up to have the on demand viewing stopped in New Zealand. I hope TVNZONDeMAND follows suit and pulls this mockumentary. I know this war is not fully over, but that is incredible news!
[…] MJ Vibe berichtet, dass HBO und Channel4 die Doku „Leaving Neverland“ demnächst von ihren „view-on-demand“-Plattformen entfernen werden oder schon entfernt haben. (HBO plante ursprünglich, die Doku bis im September zur Verfügung zu stellen.) Auch ein DVD-Release scheint derzeit auf Eis gelegt. […]
I couldn’t believe it when a fan announced this on Facebook. Then when I went on Twitter you announced it. I felt like I had to pinch myself. After the big battle all us fans have had with HBO etc, it’s a welcome relief. I have a petition up to have the on demand viewing stopped in New Zealand. I hope TVNZONDeMAND follows suit and pulls this mockumentary. I know this war is not fully over, but that is incredible news!
Lies have no stamina carried only by the truth. Michael has always been innocent.
Brilliant news we knew all along this was all made up now perhaps they will be made an example of and wiped the floor with there sick in there head to do such a depraved thing to try to ruin michaels legacy just because one of them was refused a part in a musical about michaels life
How do trash like them two sleep at night knowing all they have said is lies & nothing but lies
The movie was supposed to be shown on HBO until September and they have now moved it to another HBO channel which was not announced. They are just covering up their tracks.
Please, anybody who can reach these three dirty bastards and faggots, please, kill them all!