It seems more and more celebrities are taking the stand against the up-coming documentary! After Naomi Campbell releasing a very positive video of her work with Michael Jackson, here comes Kevin… oups! Sorry! Macaulay Culkin!
And WE love this!
The Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin has opened up about his relationship with the King of pop during an interview on a podcast late last night leaded by Michael Rosenbaum.
He was asked about the falsely documentary which is about to be shown at Sundance Festival and his relationship with the King of Pop. He answered: “He [Michael Jackson] reached out to me because a lot of things were happening, big and fast with me and I think he identified with that.”
“At the end of the day, it’s almost easy to say ut was weird or whatever, but it wasn’t because it made sense. At the end of the day, we were friends.”
Macaulay also re-enforced that “I’ve fallen asleep in the same bed with him. I’d just flop down” – he called the allegations against Michael “absolutely ridiculous.”
Macaulay did go to court to defend Michael Jackson in 2005 and never stopped defending him! [we love you for it]
During his chat with Rosenbaum, Macaulay argued that the world only viewed their friendship as strange because of Michael Jackson’s immense fame—and, when pressed by Rosenbaum about the big difference in age, explained that Michael could relate to what he was going through more than his school classmates.
“Nobody else in my Catholic school had even this much idea of what I was going through and he was the kind of person who’d been through the exact same frickin’ thing and wanted to make sure I wasn’t alone,” said Macaulay.
“For me, it’s so normal and mundane,” he added. “I know it’s a big deal to everyone else, but to me, it was a normal friendship.”
They also talked about the fact that Macaulay is Paris Jackson’s godfather and explained he is very protective of her. “I’m going to warn you now, I am very protective of her so just look out. I am a very open book when it comes to things but, like, with her, she is beloved by me”
Listen to the full podcast HERE

Muchas gracias macaulay. Fuiste el unico que por años lo defendio.