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Monday, December 23, 2024

Michael Bush tell-it-all in new podcast

We all know Michael Bush, the wardrobe designer and dresser for Michael Jackson.

He recently did a podcast for “That Pop Culture Show” Podcast hosted by Kody Frederick and Jason DeBord.

Bush talks about his life and career, and how he came to Los Angeles to become one of the most accomplished and inventive designers in the world of pop culture, working with Michael Jackson for 25 years as his designer, stylist and friend. With his award-winning book, King of Style: Dressing Michael Jackson, Bush shared amazing photography and background of the costumes that he and his partner, Dennis Thompkins, had created. He also provided additional insights into his work and the world of Michael Jackson and the origins and concepts behind some of the famous costumes that came to life through this collaboration with Michael Jackson, Dennis Thompkins and Michael Bush.

SOURCE: That Pop Culture Show

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