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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Michael Jackson Birthday Bash Schedule in Las Vegas

As you know, the Estate is planning a Michael Jackson Birthday Bash in MJ ONE, Las Vegas on the week-end of 28-29 August. Part of the schedule has been reveiled:

The Estate of Michael Jackson and Cirque du Soleil are hosting a very special celebration commemorating the relaunch of Michael Jackson ONE and Michael’s birthday this year. Gather together with all of the other Michael Jackson fans for a celebration in Las Vegas and plan to spend the weekend in Las Vegas to take part in all of the planned activities. Activities will start Saturday afternoon and include both new activities and old favorites:
– Dance contest judged by Jamie King and Rich & Tone Talauega
– Book signing by Michael Bush
– Meet & Greet reception with the Estate team and their invited guests and VIPs
– Cake to celebrate Michael’s birthday
– Step and repeat photo opportunity with artists
– Guests will have an opportunity to leave a birthday video message for Michael

Check back to see a full schedule of the events!

Make your hotel reservations using one of the special room rates being offered to fans:

Mandalay Bay: https://bit.ly/2U79wHw
Delano: https://bit.ly/35y9Sck
And to purchase tickets, visit Cirque du Soleil/MJONE: https://www.cirquedusoleil.com/michael-jackson-one

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