For a while now, DJs have been monitoring what they are playing at weddings and Parties under “DJ Intelligence”.
The data has been collected to show all the songs played and requesting during weddings and parties through different platforms used by DJs
The Top 200 has been released last June and Michael Jackson has 6 of his songs in the top 200 adding 2 more from the Jackson 5!
It seems that the general public has not fallen for the fake documentary from Dan Reed and muting Michael Jackson’s music is not an option!
Not to mention the competition is hard with new artists and current songs, having 6 songs performed by the King of Pop in the list is amazing!
Here the songs and positions in the DJ Intelligence Top 200:
48. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
65. P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) by Michael Jackson
76. Don’t Stop ‘Till You Get Enough by Michael Jackson
109. Thriller by Michael Jackson
112. The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson
125. I Want You Back by the Jackson 5
149. Beat It by Michael Jackson
160. ABC by the Jackson 5
To see the fill list and for more information on DJ Intelligence, CLICK HERE
So next time you go to a wedding or a party, make sure to request Michael!
Nunca podrán silenciar a Michael Jackson. Si lo hacen, estarán cercenando una parte muy importante de la cultura mundial, Jackson es de toda la humanidad o nació alguien que nos atrape con su danza, su voz, su estética, su música ? Todo atrapa de esta persona que nos dejó físicamente hace 10 años pero nadie puede superarlo, escuchar su dulce voz sana, sus acciones humanitarias nos invitan a creer en el ser humano, sus canciones, imposibles dejar de escucharlas pues son tantas buenas, exquisitamente trabajadas, de géneros tan variados que no te cansas, hace 5 años me convertí en fan y no pasa un día que deje de escucharlo o verlo.