A play in Los Angeles opened on September 28 and based on the Michael Jackson’s 93 allegation.
Written by Rider Strong who was also a child star back in the 90s, decided to write a play about the most famous star allegation of the decade and mostly to show that the story was twisted by fame and greed.

Theatre Unleashed is proud to present Strong’s work, Never Ever Land, making its world premiere at studio/stage from Sept. 28-Oct. 27.
The Story line: In Never Ever Land, Tim Gable’s family accused the world’s most famous singer of sex crimes in 1993. With the settlement, they walked away millionaires. Now, Tim is ready to tell the public the truth…but does he even know what that is? This bold, fictional new work offers a unique and deeply personal take on one of the most shocking lawsuits of all time and its lasting affects for one family in particular. It also takes a hard look at our celebrity culture in general, from all sides of the looking glass.

Despite that Michael Jackson is never named in the play, but it is clear it was inspired by the 93 allegation. The play takes place in 2012 when the brother of the alleged victim comes out and said they lied for money and tear apart the family.
“I hope people who come expecting a glimpse behind the curtain of a tabloid story will walk away with something else entirely,” Strong said. “Yes, this is the story of how one family was seduced by fame and greed, but it’s also a much broader story of how our whole culture has undergone the same thing, with the rise of reality TV, social media, and our emphasis on spectacle over substance. I hope this play resonates on both levels.”
You can book tickets HERE