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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Parents vote on removing Michael Jackson’s name from L.A. school auditorium

Oh here we go again!

Michael Jackson’s name was given to the Gardner Street Elementary School’s Auditorium back in 1989 and removed in 2003 and put back in 2010 after the King of Pop passing.

It seems the school is under pressure to remove the name AGAIN!

Following the aired “Leaving Neverland” fictional movie, many parents are concerned and want the name to be put down again by vote this week.

“It would be a terrible shame to remove Michael’s name from the auditorium based on an intentionally one-sided film,” Weitzman said. “There is no fair consideration when you only hear from one side. Michael Jackson is not guilty and he, like all citizens, is entitled to the presumption of innocence.”

The issue has divided the school based just north of Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood where the Michael attended the school for 7 month when he was 11 years old.

Michael revealed the naming himself in 1989 and said:

“I am deeply touched and honored that the PTA, principal and faculty members and students have been so kind as to dedicate the auditorium, where I sat as a child, in my honor, We must all never forget that the children are our future and without them humankind will become extinct.”

We will keep you updated on the result of the vote but it seems that we will see Michael Jackson name covered again on the “Michael Jackson Auditorium”:

The Estate of Michael Jackson has been contacted for comment on this matter.

SOURCE: Los Angeles Times

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  1. Wade Robson and James Safeteuck needs to be lock up! For this public mischief. The school should not condem Michael again, base on this debunk movie. These parents need to think with their heads and not with their emotions. This man sufferd enough when he was alive. He died an innocent man. Let him R.I.P

    • I agree with you it’s sad but this is the world we live in when the LIES is more important than the truth the facts do not even matter anymore sad😞

      • I can’t believe that a school would do such thing! MJ was found Innocent by a court of law It that was not anuf they Investgated MJ for 10/13 years by the FBI and Co and haved found nothing nothing nothing !! I can’t understand why this school believes 2 man by there worths and only there worths . Or this school supports the normalisasion of pedophilia In the world ? #HowCanYourChilderenBeSaveOnThisShool
        put Michael Jacksons name back!!

    • If they do it just shows their mentality, and that they can’t think for themselves. Very disappointing.

  2. Man screw that school I’m so tired of all this bs they proved they are lying but people are still believing what they are saying but he’s dead I’m sad he’s not here but all these fake fans and fake friends he has it’s too much I’ve been a fan forever and I’ll remain a fan until i die but U can’t change these fools minds and the real criminals are walking the streets and they are going after him because he can’t defend himself may he forever live on in our hearts his real fans know better The King Of pop lives Forever Over Here

    • He will forever be in the hearts of his true fans.i never believed it before and Will never believe it for the rest of my life.its s case of innocent till proven guilty.

  3. Why is this even an issue?the one sided movie has ALREADY been debunked.MJ was thoroughly investigated , went on trial and was FULLY EXONERATED.

  4. Amazing how the whole world wants to believe the crap coming out of the mouths of 2 PROVEN
    liars and perjurers and not believe the FBI, Children’s Services, the LAPD, a judge with 15 years standing in these matters and a jury deliberately chosen in a highly conservative area!!! They are either sheep or imbeciles- or more likely both!!! Ridiculous!!!

    • Fine if they don’t give a damn for the fact that MJ is innocent and for another fact that they are doing a crime by disobeying the Court’s decision by insulting a dead person who fought his whole life, suffered the pain of investigation for 10 years and was declared not guilty on all the charges. But then who’s name are they gonna have on the auditorium ? Dan Reed ? Robson ? Safechuck ? Oprah ? Or Harvey Winstein ?

  5. Then the auditorium should be given BACK TO THE JACKSON ESTATE!!! How ungrateful and blind of these patents!!!!!!

  6. Take it down, they’ve been flip flopping back and forth covering and uncovering his name. They covered it up during his 2005 trial also. It’s an honor to have had MJ go to that school, if yall wont appreciate it and do it justice, fuck yall and take it down. MJ doesnt deserve that. He only went there for like 6 months anyway, got too famous as a child for the school to handle.

  7. The film has already been shown to be full of lies and inconsistencies. Micheal has been tried and found not guilty. The FBI investigated him for 10 years and found absolutely nothing… When will it finally sink in that Michael was innocent?
    What message does this give those school children? That liars win?

  8. I cannot imagine how severely mentally ill one has to be to lie about child sexual abuse.

    No amount of money would make me lie on an innocent man about the worst thing someone can do… not one million, not one billion, not one trillion. My conscience doesn’t have a price.

    And not just any man…. a man who gave them so much. A man who was so giving, so kind, so compassionate, so gentle, so generous that it bordered on pathological naivety. He gave them everything. And this is how they repay him? By going after his children? He’s not even here anymore. The only people they’re hurting are his children, and his mother. I can’t understand it. No matter how broke I could ever be… I could never understand it.

    I have the impression both Safechuck and Robson were obsessed with Michael. Michael Jackson was extremely charming, enchanting, sexy, with mesmerising talent. Many people have said that he was addictive… including his own ex wife Lisa Marie Presley. She has said that she never wanted to not be around him. That being with him was addictive and felt like being on a high. A lot of people in his orbit felt that way. And I’ve noticed that when people with very high levels of narcissism didn’t get as much of him as he was willing to give, their obsessions became vindictive (like with Oprah, David Geffen, Evan Chandler).

    Oprah Winfrey “I just wanted to be his friend! I would do anything to be his friend. But he had no interest in being friends with me.” And Oprah’s close friend David Geffen… a known homosexual pedophile who owns most of Hollywood, and vowed to ruin Michael’s life after Michael rebuffed his aggressive sexual advances in the 90’sJordy Chandler “Why did he stop calling me??! He didn’t need to stop calling me.” Even Gavin Arvizo, when asked by Jackson’s lawyer during the child molestation trial why he was mad at Michael Jackson, said quote “Because he stopped calling us.”

    Similarly I believe that with Robson and Safechuck their love and addiction for Michael became dark and sinister when they found themselves financially broke and without an alive Michael Jackson to take advantage of. Their imaginations ran wild, their real sexual fantasies with Michael were manifested. And now they are trying to take advantage of his children.

    These PERVERTS deserve the very worst the law has to offer. The absolute worst. To lie in such explicit, graphic detail about abuse that never took place… in places that didn’t even exist! How embarrassing. How shameful.

    I believe they WILL be held accountable. Especially now that the disgusting NAMBLA-enthusiast Dan Reed has called his own star, Safechuck, a perjurer. After the estate is through with them, they are going to be pariahs in the industry (actually, Wade already has been a pariah for many years. He has long burned all his bridges and has no friends left). But seriously NO ONE in their right mind will want to work with them or be anywhere near them. Would you want to work with a liar who has a bogus “charity” and has falsely accused an innocent man of rape?

    I know they were hoping for a big payday from the MJ estate, but conversely, they will be in financial ruin for the rest of their lives.
    Maybe they should have thought twice before making a fantasy child porn movie

    Money doesn’t bring you happiness. It really, truly doesn’t. People think it does and will destroy each other and kill each other over it. But money is intrinsically not that valuable… it only has the value we humans decide to give it. All it is is paper. Just paper. What actually has true intrinsic value is our interpersonal relationships… the impact we have on the earth and on each other’s lives. What actually has true value is the way that we made others feel. That is all we are reduced to at the very end.

    It is why Michael Jackson can never be taken down, no matter how hard the media tries and no matter how desperately certain jealous people beg us to cancel him (Oprah). It won’t ever happen. It can’t. He has made too many people FEEL SO HAPPY in all corners of the earth throughout generations, across cultures, time and space. THAT is his value, and it is astronomical. The philanthropic and humanitarian impact he left on the Earth, the genuine joy, happiness, and love he gave to generations of fans all around the world.

    Money won’t bring these fools happiness. It didn’t bring happiness to Evan Chandler, and it won’t bring happiness to Wade Robson and James Safechuck. In fact I don’t think anything will bring them happiness anymore, not after what they’ve done. They will likely suffer from severe depression, poor relationships, explosive anger, and isolation. And it won’t surprise me if they end up taking the Evan Chandler way out either.

  9. I hope the parents see all the comments in favour of Michael and they see how much they suck as people. Y’all ain’t showing you kids how to be good people. If Michael ever gave this place money as donations or whatever, please give it back to his family. You can’t stain his memory and all the greatness that was Michael Jackson just because of some liars, cover his name over a place he’s been to and keep anything else from him. That’s like a slap in the face then taking a handshake.

  10. What naive parents! Instead of seeing her truth she thinks the lie in the Neverland documentary!
    MJ has been declared 14 times innocent!

  11. If they move his name, that will be an injustice. It amazing they want to remove an innocent black man yet we still have PROVEN racist, slave owners, thieves who took native American land, killed, etc stutues still up. Why is Thomas jefferson still on our money?

  12. Why isn’t the Estate or somebody suing those two scum bags !?! I don’t honestly don’t get it , how they can ruin Michael with lies on TV and go about their business without any repercussions .. really ????

  13. Leave it alone, and for god sake leave MJ alone. I for one have never believed any of the crap they accuse MJ of, and he was aquitted, but that doesn’t make him guilty, and why after all these years are they still harping on it. That was never true, the whole thing started because of Jordan Chandler’s father, it was all to get their hands on MJ’s money, Evan Chandler even said that before he shot himself. The other accusers came along to jump on the band wagon, one was a total fail, the judge saw right through them, the third was still going on when MJ died. This man was, and forever will be a legend, and rightfully so!

  14. I feel they shouldn’t remove Michael’s name from the auditorium. It’s a shame that people don’t do their homework or research the allegations made against Michael. Michael came out on top and was ACQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES. As for Wade Robson and James Safechuck, they will reap what they so. As for the mockumentary Leaving Neverland…. That’s a joke in itself! Their stories don’t add up and the time line is wrong also. Too many inconsistencies in their stories. Michael went to school there and his name shouldn’t be removed from the auditorium, period! TMZ AND ANY OTHER TABLOIDS NEWSPAPER OUGHT TO BE SUED FOR DOING THIS. PARENTS CALL THE TMZ NEWS AND ANY OTHER TABLOID NEWSPAPER AND TELL THEM TO STOP OR YOU WILL SUE THEM!!!! BOTTOM LINE! IF YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO LEARN THEN PUT A STOP TO THIS BUT DON’T REMOVE MICHAEL’S NAME!

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