We all know the book “Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation” by Geraldine Hughes who was also featured in the documentary “Square One” by Danny Wu.
For a while, Hughes wanted to do a movie about her book and it seems that it is finally coming to life [first mentioned in 2013].
She announced on twitter:
It is unclear when the “movie” will be released as it seems it has not even been filmed yet.
The company producing the movie is 3HPFILMS, a sub-division of 3HP Promotions, a company that promote and market mainly unknown black artists and ministries (churches).
3HP Promotions is pretty amateur in what they are doing but director Troy Edwards has been putting some imagery and videos from other artists like Sergio Cortes and French Street Dancer Salif Lasource to start promoting his new venture with Hughes on instagram and facebook.
Hughes’s book is an essential part of understanding the 1993 case and how Michael Jackson was scammed for money but we should not get too excited about the movie as it might not become a best seller or even be a good one.
It is also unclear if the Estate has given rights to Michael Jackson’s imagery for the movie or promotion of the movie. It’s pretty sure they haven’t.
Not to mention that Hughes came under light few months ago about her view on Gay people. She has made a few homophobic comments publicly on her facebook account and has alienated a part of our community.
While we recommend the book, we doubt that the movie will be made with “L.O.V.E.” or will be even good. [nothing good will come from someone who promotes hatred]
I certainly know Geraldine’s book, and I remember reading about a film based on it ages ago. I certainly didn’t know about any homophobic comments made by her on social media. That sours the whole thing, sadly. I don’t consider such comments worthy of a Michael Jackson fan OR a Christian. Tolerance and exclusiveness is called for in both instances, I believe.
Redemption the Movie is in its refiguration stages due to the pandemic. There is no doubt that it will be made and will be an excellent movie that finally tells the truth from inside the accusers camp on how the false child abuse allegations was born in 1993.
As a missionary/evangelist in the largest homeless & LGBTQ community for the past 12 years of feeding and ministering Christ, your disparaging & untrue statements is the only thing promoting hate.
Dear Geraldine,
Good luck with the movie. Your book is very instructive about what really happen in 1993, we will never take that away from you. Your belief that you have shared on your facebook is your own and you have, yourself, created and promoted hatred by making those statements about LGBTQ+ people, not us! We only reported what you have created. As a Christian, I believe in God and I believe God is all about love and compassion, two things you have lacked of on those statements. That’s a fact. As you are marketing this movie for mainly the Michael Jackson’s community, which we serve, we feel it is important for all individuals to know who you are, in every lights possible, including your homophobic comments. It will be up to each individual to decide to give you their time and money knowing that. It will be up to each individual to challenge you on those comments. We only hope at the end that God will forgive you for being that blind to love!
Again, good luck with the movie, but be sure that all the staff at MJVibe will not be buying into it!
Best Regards,
it’s up to us to judge her on that, she thinks what she wants us to be against or not, personally I don’t support the LGTBW Community+ it doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t prove anything that I’m homophobic and a lot of homosexuals don’t feel represented by this community
People Police….think like we do or else!?
Its only tolerance if one believes your way? That’s not tolerance. Being a Christian has nothing to do with tolerance. I always thought, in America, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs without persecution.