If you don’t want to know, do not go further than this line!
A fan group has posted a TV add which clearly was not supposed to be seen yet about ‘OFF THE WALL 2015’.
In the add, it is said there will be not only a re-release of the album with original tracks, demos, new tracks and also songs revisited by current artists!
The whole project is joined with Spike Lee documentary “Off The Wall”.
According to that add and that fan group, the release of ‘Off the Wall 2015’ is due in November!
In the mean time, the Estate and Sony has requested to the fan group to remove the video as “Nothing is set in Stone” & “to avoid the premature distribution of the video at this time”
We all know that everything can be changed at the last minute and we all know that Michael Jackson himself loved to surprise us with new projects so let’s wait and see!
We will update you as soon as we have official news from Sony and the Estate… Until then, ‘Gotta Straighten Up Your Act and Boogie Down’
Of course we all know that MJVibe are firmly in Branca’s back pocket!! So a fan group DARED to post a teaser for OTW 2015! Why shouldn’t they be the ones to share some good news. Sounds to me like a case of ‘sour grapes’ on your side, that they got to break the news first!
MJVibe for an outfit set up by fans for fans, you sure ain’t very ‘fan friendly’ – until it comes to flogging your own stuff!!
Please Debbie, don’t use that tone in your writing. MJVibe are just providing a platform for Michael’s fans to converge together and share in his love and music and bring us upto speed with the happening in MJ’s world.
Another thing to mention, it’s obviously heartbreaking and sad that Michael isn’t here with us physically anymore, but for now, we just have to trust (though not blindly) that the executors will do their genuine best to run Michael’s Estate efficiently probably til’ if Michael’s kids are willing, to take over.
These constant fight between fans need to stop. Okay, yes, there might be a few squabbles here and there (everyone has different opinions), but it doesn’t need to go to extreme as what you’ve done.
I’ve written this from a sincere and genuine perspective, not to bash anybody. Fans need to be together and supportive of one and I’m sure Michael would want that to. After all, he always stood by and for us as we did him.
Otherwise, thank you MJVibe for the work your doing. Much love from Kenya.
Can’t Wait For This To Come Out If This Is True
Hope it’s true as there is no sense in not celebrating Mia albums in their respective anniversarys
Off the wall deserves it
Also, history deserved a 20th anniversary release a while ago but the estate just keeps quite and do nothing
And when they do, it’s a half assed release ( excluding bad 25 )
And I urge them to fix the horrible ordering on mjs website with certain well known countries not being able to order from !??!!! Mjs a global act
In fact, I urge them to remove this troubling order prices which requires u to order with a card with the exact billing and shipping address where u live !?!?!?
What if I want to order for someone else ?
And I urge them that they do not treat the off the wall documentary the same way they did with bad 25 in having it released only through mjs website
Especially with all the ordering process that is so restricting
Again, my is glooooooobaaaaaaaaal
And finally, treat the rest of mjs albums with respect
Sitting on a multi million deal with Sony and releasing half assed products and/or just letting anniversarys pass by while being quite and doing nothing about it
And don’t tell me we got circus du soliel or whatever it’s called
We want mj, so stop this nonsense
Updated, with misspelling corrected
Hope it’s true as there is no sense in not celebrating Mjs albums in their respective anniversarys
Off the wall deserves it
Also, history deserved a 20th anniversary release a while ago but the estate just keeps quite and do nothing
And when they do, it’s a half assed release ( excluding bad 25 )
And I urge them to fix the horrible ordering process on mjs website with certain well known countries not being able to order from !??!!! Mjs a global act
In fact, I urge them to remove this troubling order process which requires u to order with a card with the exact billing and shipping address where u live !?!?!?
What if I want to order for someone else ?
And I urge them that they do not treat the off the wall documentary the same way they did with bad 25 in having it released only through mjs website
Especially with all the ordering process that is so restricting
Again, mj is glooooooobaaaaaaaaal
And finally, treat the rest of mjs albums with respect
Sitting on a multi million deal with Sony and releasing half assed products and/or just letting anniversarys pass by while being quite and doing nothing about it
And don’t tell me we got circus du soliel or whatever it’s called
We want mj, so stop this nonsense
mj fans sometimes are so rude… I want more and more projects, documentaries all these stuff… who cares who give the news first we are here for Mike. And this stupid controversy about John Branca and Estate is so annoying OMG stop girl!!!!
Mj fans and fanclubs should be together I agree but the sad fact is and I won’t name them, some me fanclubs are selling products wayyyyyu overpriced and when I say products I mean authentic, genuine me exclusive and signed products like paintings, video releases ( royal Brunei )….etc and this is confirmed with one of the best and most trusted people in the fan community, Laura of mjjcollectors, and the sad fact is that the estate is all also responsible for:
-the disaster behind the 2010 Michael album with the sound alike person passed as mj on some very bad tracks
-the hologram which is now confirmed to be an mj impersonator ! But shown via the hologram technology
-the unremasterd “remastered” vision did video collection
-this is it not being released as a single but u have to buy a whole album for one song….etc
Yes they have given us worthy releases but don’t forget the negatives borderline on criminal and that’s something I’m sure mj won’t stand for ever
-not to mention the bad 25 documentary being available only to certain countries and only through the website !!??!!
Would mj wanted to treat the fans like this ? Noooooo
And about the infinite concerts, appearances….etc what they have given us or planning to do is only but
And about the infinite concerts, appearances…etc what they have given us or planning to do (ie off the wall 2015 with extra track ) is only but a drop of water in a vast ocean of mj history
And if it was not for the easy availability of bootlegs then i swear and promise u we will die before we see an official release or releases that at least can give mjs history an official long overdue exposure
Now I’m not saying release a thousand items a year or am I expecting everything to be released but when u look at bands like queen and the doors and others u can’t help but feel sad for mj and for us fans
And that is a 100% TRUTH
The real mj fans know what I’m talking about
“The real mj fans know what I’m talking about
i know what Fahad is talking about, but i’m just very thankful because they’re trying no the way we think Michael do but… they are trying. We can make our comments and expose our opinion about it, but no be rude attacking people like that…
We’re family
we’re mjfam <3
I not trying to be rude
But this is how much I’m passionate about him and his legacy and how much I love him
And all these factual controversies are just criminal and too much