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Monday, March 17, 2025

Statement from the Estate Regarding NEVERLAND!!!

 We are saddened at the prospect of the sale of Neverland which, under the agreement negotiated during Michael’s lifetime, Colony has the right to sell. The Estate will maintain Michael’s family home in Encino, including its iconic recording studio there. We continue to build upon Michael’s legacy as an artistic genius and humanitarian through his music and new projects such as the Michael Jackson ONE show in Las Vegas. We hope and trust that any new owners of Neverland will respect the historical importance and special nature of this wonderful property. Michael’s memory lives on in the hearts of his fans worldwide. 

It is also important to the Estate that Michael’s fans understand that although the Estate has no right to stop or obstruct the sale, The Estate did explore a number of potential options for Neverland with Colony but zoning, financial and land use restrictions limited the alternatives and ultimately Colony made the decision to sell.

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  1. I hope whoever decides to build there builds something that doesn’t pollute or harm the enviorment. Still wish Neverland was there but quoting Walt Disney “…Keep Moving Forward…” is what everyone does eventually. I hope whatever is going to be there does something worthwhile and hopefully includes a tribute or two of what was before it.

    • If I quote Disney, it was just as an example that anything can be done if you put your mind into.
      If a dirty rat can attract billion.
      Just imagine …
      Michael had billion of fans too, and he certainly had more talents than that rat.

    • August 4, 2014

      Hi, Pez. I’m relieved to finally finish this morning my interview draft and submit it for your review regarding Iconic Magazine’s upcoming special “Neverland” issue. This will be the first release of any publication that will feature responses from myself along with some of my fellow “Dream Team” members, such as Michael’s artist friend, David Nordahl, and Oliver “Brick” Price with WondWorks, another friend and close associate of Michael’s.

      Brick was the first person to contact me in early June 1990 about the possibility of assisting a well known entertainer in acquiring a merry-go-round. Then Michael’s friend and Executive Director at MJJ Productions, Ms. Norma E. Staikos, called me a couple of days later confirming it was for Michael Jackson, and requested my support in bringing his fantasy “Neverland Dream” to reality. My recent book, “Maker of Dreams – Creating Michael Jackson’s ‘Neverland Valley Park,'” details a lot of the events that occurred during these first years working together on his Neverland Valley Park project during the early 1990’s.

      One of our continuous challenges was repeatedly having to ask permission from County zoning officials for permission to proceed, virtually at every step of the way. They and some neighbors were not very happy about what Michael was doing inside his private 2,700 acre Neverland Valley Ranch, even though nothing was ever visible nor accessible to the outside general public. We were successful in obtaining permission for a lot of what Michael wanted to do, but without guidelines in the local zoning ordinances that pertained to an amusement park, either free or with a paid admission, we were always on shaky footing.

      I personally attempted to contact Tom Barrack at Colony Capital earlier this year about discussing some potential ideas for saving Neverland Valley Ranch, but through an assistant I found him distant, unresponsive and unwilling to meet with me at Neverland, even though he lives nearby. Initially, I wanted to share a copy of my “Maker of Dreams” book with him, but that quickly changed to, “Why bother!”

      If Michael’s “Neverland Valley Ranch” family residence is lost forever, it will be a tragedy felt for all eternity! Never in the HIStory of our World has someone’s home been so totally dedicated to something this beautifully created primarily for the beneficial healing found inside Neverland for underprivileged, handicapped and terminally ill children.

      If any buyer is interested in acquiring Neverland Valley Ranch for use a “tourist attraction” like Graceland, I can assure your readers it will be blocked by the local County officials at every effort or request submitted. The only hope is for a buyer to maintain the same usually low profile Michael did, except when he wanted to host a party. These events grew in size over the years, and I’m sure became VERY disconcerting to the County officials who were probably in too deep by this time to do much of anything about it. Now, they will probably do all they can to prevent a repeat in the future.

      Respectfully submitted for your readers, who may contact with questions about creating Michael’s “Neverland Dream.”

      God Bless & L.O.V.E. – in Michael’s honor and memory…

      Rob Swinson
      “Maker of Dreams”
      Neverland Park HIStorian & Author
      Email: makerofdreams@cox.net
      Website: http://MakerOfDreams.com/

      • Thank you for saying out loud what I was thinking down low.
        I know there something weird about the whole thing.
        I don’t buy the “financial” part of it. The present owner /neighbor own a casino .
        I bet he enjoy the peace and quiet…for now.

  2. There is so many possibilities.
    I understand that the neighbors are upset at the prospect of the traffic etc…
    One of them been the other party That own the casino as well as the loan on the estate.
    But…about a dancing school?
    Or a place to rest for sick children?
    I can go on and on…
    I understand zoning, I’m lic. In real estate, but there’s ways to get around.
    If Disney can have similar park all over the world, why can you guys find a place to rebuilt?
    I’m just saying…

  3. it’s is very sad that neverland is being sold. I hope that who ever buys it will open it up for people to visit. it’s a beautiful place. what about Michael’s children. they would want to restore it. that’s what I heard.

  4. its very sad I d like to think it could be preserved for all Michael s fans to visit like with Gracelands it was the home the children grew up in and they must have many happy memories of the times spent with there Father

  5. It’s very very sad indeed…
    I’m just praying that the new owner is NOT Bieber or some punk that would disrespect Michael memories.

    I remember reading Michael’s last will and correct me if I’m wrong, but the Estate does have the right to purchase and sell property. If the deal when down when Michael was alive, this might means why he was so upset and couldn’t sleep?
    On top of the stress of the 50 shows, the pressure most of been nuclear!
    I feel so bad for him, nobody knew how much he carried on his shoulders everyday.
    Let’s hope you don’t sell Encico.

    Did you guys taugh of using it for movies purpose or maybe as nice luxury hotel for special clientele in the industry?
    Just trying ideas hoping something stick.

  6. Michael Jackson
    The Genius artist.
    The Beautiful human.
    The wonderful person.
    The greatest.
    Never like him, no one like him.
    You live in our hearts Always, we miss all of you…

  7. Do not sell Neverland PLEASE ! This place is Michael’s place, full of his soul, his spirit, his happiness, his creativity, his hopes dor humanity and his life with his children ….
    Ne erland is HIM. Should be a museum !! Is there nobody to u derstand that ? The family gets hundred of millions of dollars since he is gone. Can’t they help and support this projeçt ?
    So sad.

  8. Michael’s children should get this property- after all the Estate does/did have a say in this matter. However they want to make $ not pay $ also why keep Michael’s family home in Encino, where who lives there? Anyone? Katherine & the children are in Calabasas. I would think they would let the children of Michael make that choice. Both Prince & Paris stated they wanted their childhood home. I am sure it’s sold by now? Sad day when the Estate walks away from what Michael’s children want. Michael didn’t want to live there due to the evil it brought but he certainly wanted to keep his “Only” home. Maybe for his children, their memories there are good ones.

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