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Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Netherlands to erase Michael Jackson?

Due to the controversial documentary “Leaving Neverland”, different companies in the Netherlands are thinking to remove Michael Jackson statues!

The first one is the one at Madame Tussauds Amsterdam!

The company said they have received around 10 emails complaining about the wax work and also many comments from the visitors. “Deleting animage is not something that we lightly conclude and we do not want to take a side in this discussion. But we do think about it, yes!” said a rep from Madame Tussauds Amsterdam.

The same applied to the owner of the franchised McDonald in the city of Best – well known and visited by the fans. “We have not received any direct complaints but we understand that it is a very heavy subject. We think that it is very important that everyone feels comfortable and has a good time in our restaurant but we are seriously considering the next steps in consultation with the franchise” said the spokesperson from McDonald.

We are hoping that those people/companies will be able to see the truth and leave those statues in place.

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  1. People have to do there research!! This all one sided!! It’s all about them wanting money!! Please do your research!! Facts don’t lie People do!! #MJINNOCENT…

    • It is just not true and all one sided created story, some wrong people are trying to ruined MJ’s image and trying all this to Fake image through their stories.


        • Please don’t remove it. MJ IS INNOCENT. And if you are so afraid of kids asking, tell them about Michael’s music about his art. NONE of today’s artists can do it. You prefer your kids learning about stupid songs from justin bieber rather than Earth Song and Heal The world?

  2. The man is innocent! The truth is there if you open your eyes…. oh yeah.. people love drama and lies… more than the truth!!! 😡 stop supporting this asshole liar Wade. He’s been lying for YEARS!! Do your homework!!

  3. People trust lies so much…. Oh, God… why doesn’t anyone want to think with their brain! I wish this wave would pass quickly and the name of the great innocent man would finally be cleansed of this abomination…. Help us, universe!!!!

  4. Michael Jackson was never proved guilty on any accounts at all, he wanted to heal the world and save lives of children and other people. This is a one sided story and how can people believe them two, i wouldn’t ever believe a story from someone when Michael isn’t here to talk for himself. We are all family and fans of Michael Jackson and have to come together and help save MJ.

  5. Die ganze Welt kennt MJ. Jeder hat seine Musik gehört. Michael hat sein ganzes Leben einen Hohen Preis gezahlt.2 geldgeile hinterhältige Personen Lügen und die Welt weiss nix als nach zu plappern. Schaltet eure Köpfe ein wo zur Hölle sind wir hier? Lasst MJ endlich in Ruhe. MJ innocent MJ fam 💗🖤

  6. Are they trying to say that they don’t respect the court’s decision ?
    If yes then there will be no law and order and in future it’ll become very easy for liars to turn down any name of their choice. All they’ll need to do is ‘make a fake documentary ‘ and people will believe it.

  7. I cannot believe what is coming over us by the cold wave repercussions and fall-out of the anti-patriarchy movement, spearheaded by PC fascism.
    After the decisions, by the BBC, of not playing King of Pop’s music and videos, others have jumped on the bandwagon with petitioning Madame Tussaud’s in London to remove his statue there! Because ‘what will we tell the children when they see him and ask who he is???”
    Let me answer that question here, bunch of bigoted retards! Shall we also remove the torture room then, and while we’re at it, Henry VIII and all the womanizers in there, too, and Charlie Chaplin, etc?
    Shall we also boycot those who gleaned the voice and music style from the biggest entertainer, like Justin Timberlake?
    Bunch of hypocrites! Of course you will tell the kids that, just that! That he made MTV and MTV made him, that he was the Gene Kelly for 3 decades long, of his time. That he was a genius in dance and unique in music! Where does this witch hunt stop?
    “All men are evil, all men are rapists and predators.”
    Add to that we have now a vegan and eco-fascist movement, led by kids who grew up in economic comfortable nuclear families getting up to accuse my generation we did do anything for them. A luxury position Western kids have from their soap box which those in developing countries cannot even dream of, let alone they can afford it!

    • In the words of Michael himself “Leave me alone…..” Statues shrines whatever should stay. I can’t believe that two scumbags and a ridiculous producer have any say !!! Whatever happened to facts????

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