On December 29, Taj Jackson updated his GoFundMe page and revealed the title of the documentary: “The Truth Runs Marathons”.
Also in his update, he tells the fans that the documentary will be released in 2020!
We will update you as soon as we know!
Full update from Taj:
“With 2019 finally coming to a close, 2020 will be OUR year. There is A LOT of pro Michael Jackson videos, docs and specials coming down the pipe line in 2020 that I am truly excited about. I thank everyone who is out there tirelessly spreading the truth everyday about my uncle. I always knew that there are way more of us then there are of them and 2019 proved it. When we are united and focused, there is nothing we can’t do. Cancel Culture took their biggest and deadliest cannon and fired it directly at Michael Jackson’s legacy. What they didn’t expect was for his friends, family, and incredible fans to put themselves in front of the blast. My uncle would be so thankful and grateful for all of you. I look forward to 2020, because with the release of “The Truth Runs Marathons”, we will finally put to rest all the ridiculous decades of lies and hold those accountable for spreading and profiting off them. “
Hopefully, something positive this year for 2020.
Thank you so much for all what you are doing for you’re uncle Taj. We shall always stand by you and defending you’re uncle. He have so much done for so many people. Love you MJ and you’re family.
Taj should name his documentary “The Truth always shames the Devil”
I want our beloved Michael Jackson’s legacy to flourish. A Kind, Humble, Humanitarian, a Genius who has been so misunderstood due to money hungry, evil lowlife vultures, who have absolutely no conscience!!! The mass media are the perpetrators of this, we have heard nothing in the mainstream news about the exposed lies of Leaving Neverland. Its about time the truth was exposed regarding these 2 Pinochios and their collaborators about their quest for 1.6 billion dollars from the MJ estate.
Espero ansiosa ese documental y ojalá haga tanto ruido como el de los denostadores, de nosotros depende también, que a nadie se le ocurra volver a poner el nombre Michael Jackson en duda, queremos seguir escuchando su música, ver sus videos y disfrutar de su humanidad. Gracias Taj !!!
You have celebrities, you have stars, you have super stars and then you have MICHAEL JACKSON
Love and support for you Taj from Karachi, Pakistan