The world came together this week-end to celebrate what would have been Michael Jackson’s 63 birthday.
From Celebrities to radio stations, from friends to family members, messages of love and wishes flooded social media:
Michael Jackson fans have also taken over social media to show their love to the King Of Pop and as usual, flowers from all over the world were delivered to Forest Lawn where the King is resting:
As COVID Restrictions eased in some countries, fans were able to meet again! In the UK and Belgium, fans went to see the Jacksons (Tito, Jackie and Marlon) performing; in London, fans met at “Burn This Disco Out” where they danced all night to Michael Jackson’s music.
In Las Vegas, the Official Michael Jackson Birthday Bash of 2 days took place. As well as the Estate, Travis Payne, Kenny Ortega, Jonathan Sugarfoot Moffett, Rich & Tone Talauega, Miko Brando, Michael Bush were present at the event but also Prince, Blanket and the 3T were meeting fans and enjoying the festivities.
During the event, the Estate has released unseen footage from the HIStory World Tour. As rumours were planted before the event that the Estate will make a big announcement such as announcing a new album, it seems that they are working on releasing HIStory World Tour in the next few months (or next year). This project was in process already before COVID disturbed the world.
Also in Gary’s first home of the Jacksons, fans celebrated the King of Pop’s birthday with music and dance.
Virtually, MJ Chart Data organised a surprised Streaming Party with #DangerousStreamingParty which was followed by #DangerousTourWatchParty with thousands of fans participating.
SOURCE: Social Media
I was very happy to see everyone celebrating Michael birthday, especially cirque one, burn disco, it was like a festival

I couldn’t attend his cirque one or burn disco nothing
will they upload those shows, and all in you tube so that I can see at least there
I love you Michael so much

and miss you so much 

But as a fan of Michael I couldn’t do anything for Michael, I couldn’t see his celebration ,nothing, but I was unhappy, at the same time, I was crying
It was exhausting, but wonderful, trying to keep up with the fan live streams from FL and Vegas etc as well as trying to celebrate at home (in Australia in my case). The water show in China was also awesome. So much creativity dedicated to saying ‘happy birthday’ and ‘thank you’ to Michael.
I still to this day think about mj almost everyday. I have been following him since the 1980 at that time to today I buy anything about him. I would like to let the world know I have a collection that is larger the life and every item is in excellent condition. There is so much I could not list it and I will be selling some of these items if interested contact me. Cricket
Might be interested in what you have to offer. How can I get in contact with you?
I would like to see what u have and are offering, plz. How can I get in contact with you?
Happy Heavemly Birthday to you Michael. Im still in disbelief your gone. My heart is deep sorrow. You will always be in my heart. I wish i could have met you as i do know your pain. I feel it still at 58yrs. Your a god send and much love to you and your family. Gone but not forgptten. Until ee all meet. Hugs.