Our Twitter account was suspended because we refused to allow people to openly insult Michael Jackson & push around lies about him.
Haters and trolls targeted our account and had it permanently removed.
We’ve converted one of our affiliate accounts into a new account for MJVibe. We will not be silenced!
Follow us here www.twitter.com/thisismjvibe
Steady Laughing, While Surfacing!
MJVIBE is here to stay! We will keep fighting and sharing the truth about Michael Jackson.
Good for you glad to hear it! I have supported Michael as much as I can, I have posted on Twitter but got some abuse so I am no longer on Twitter.
I have also emailed channel 4 expressing my disgust at them for airing that peice of trash they called a documentary! I also bought the book Remember the time which is brilliant I recommend it.
Please keep up the fight we cannot allow people to talk ill of the dead and accuse them when they are unable to defend themselves, if these people get away with it, it leaves the door wide open for anyone to do it, the law needs to change.
God bless you xxxx
Don’t Give up! L. o. v. e. MJ
Bravo! But seriously, why would anyone expect to post negative staff on a fan website dedicated to a particular artist… and then complain when they can’t. This isn’t about stopping freedom of speech, it’s about truth and fairness and talking to our own on-line community – one that doesn’t believe the lies. These people must feel seriously threatened to go to such lengths. Thank you for sticking in there. (As fans many of us share your blog posts anyway, so one way or another they’d end up on Twitter. Suck on THAT, haters!