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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Uri Geller Museum opens with Michael Jackson Items

Uri Geller just opened a museum in Tel Aviv, Israel.

While the museum is a big personal collection from Geller, it includes Two thousand twisted pieces of cutlery adorn a 1976 Cadillac, and more than 200 items on exhibit—from Pablo Picasso’s easel and Harry Houdini’s handcuffs to boxing gloves signed by Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) and Gary Cooper’s script-holder from “High Noon.”

“Ninety percent of the items you see here were gifts from people throughout my career,” says Geller, “About 5 percent of the items I bought in Sotheby and Christie auctions because they were connected to me in some way. Most of the rest I bought in shops,”

The museum also houses some of Geller’s own works of art. Such as the drawings he did for Michael Jackson’s Invincible Album, A signed jacket by the King of Pop and few other memorabilia.

The Exhibition also includes paintings from Bubbles that he purchased in auctions.

Geller receives a mix feeling from the fans as he is responsible for introducing Martin Bashir to Michael which concluded with the 2005 trial due to Bashir’s manipulation on his documentary “Living with Michael Jackson”.

He was also the man organising weird King of Pop’s visits such as at The Oxford Union, with David Blaine at The House of Commons, and the Exeter Football club…

While Geller publicly defends Michael Jackson, asking ITV to investigate Bashir and how he regrets to have introduced the two men, he also sold many other stories to the press and tabloids.

So if you are in town, and if you think it is worth seeing, all information are HERE

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  1. Yes, he has defended Michael. But so has Mat Fiddes… with friends like these. All due respect to anyone who likes Uri, I personally think his involvement with Michael was more about his own self-promotion.

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