What I love about our community is that it is so diverse! Diverse in people, in age, in culture, in religion, in sexuality and so on. I mean you can find one of the top surgeons in the world next to house keeper in any Michael Jackson concert. Michael Jackson brings people together, no matter their colour of skin or religion and that’s a fact!
The man, the music, the dance, the art, the videos, the message of peace… all bring us together and accept one another, no matter where we are from.
Yes for sure, we can not all agree on everything but at least Michael and his fans shared the same message of peace, acceptance, tolerance and healing.
There are few topics that we try to avoid talking about, and that is true in not only our community but in any communities. Politics, dietary believes, religions are among them.
I have no issue to learn new way of living, discovering new cultures and part of religions that I did not know, listening to topic discussions between 2 people. This is actually growing my knowledge and understanding of the world and the people who surround me. And it is a great feeling to have.
When I have an issue is when people are using force or abuse to push their believes into your throat. For example a Vegan using abusive language to push meat eaters to convert… it doesn’t work!!!
Lately, with internet, social media, COVID-19, people started to share aggressively their opinions on politics, believes, vaccines and so on.
Pro-Trumps, Antivaxers, pro-gun owners… have been very active online and in person and unfortunately, some of them are…. believe it or not… Michael Jackson Fans.
This is the case for James Beeks. Beeks is a singer, dancer and appeared on the stage of “Jesus Christ Superstar” and also do Michael Jackson Impersonations. He also clearly wear often Michael Jackson apparel. So from an outside look, Beeks is a Michael Jackson fan.
But Beeks is also a Trump supporter, he is affiliated to the Oath Keepers, a far-right extremist group and a pro-gun owner.
So when the idiot, sorry Beeks, wore a Bad Tour Jacket at the Trump speech and stormed the Capital on January 6, he stood out! Not only that but FBI found out that the Oath Keepers organised the the attack.
Thanks to the Michael Jackson Jacket, the FBI managed to identify and find Beeks. Investigators were able to find photos on social media of Beeks wearing what appears to be the same jacket, smiling and posing in front of a poster for a production of Jesus Christ Superstar.
There are other signs of Beeks’ enthusiasm for the King of Pop – on YouTube, he describes himself as “one of the Top Michael Jackson Tribute artists,” and his handle name was: “jdmoonwalker”.
He was arrested on Tuesday and has been charged with obstruction of Congress and unlawfully entering a restricted building or grounds. After making an initial appearance, he was released.
Beeks was part of a mob that entered into a formation to force its way into the Capitol, prosecutors said. After entering the building, they said Beeks joined a group that tried to push through a line of law enforcement officers guarding a route to the Senate, but they were not able to get past the officers.
Beeks is among the more than 675 people who have been arrested so far over the storming of the Capitol.
“You ain’t Bad, You ain’t Nothing”. Being a violent idiot, hurting others is not cool or popular!
So here is a list of dos and not dos for any extremists who enjoy Michael Jackson’s music:
- Do not wear Michael Jackson apparel if you are about to commit a crime.
- Do listen the the lyrics of “Heal The World”, “Man In The Mirror”, “Cry”, “Earth Song”.
- Understand the message that Michael Jackson represents.
- Be open minded and stop being a dick
If you cannot do that, you are not a Michael Jackson fan!
So James Beck! You ain’t Bad! You ain’t a Michael Jackson Fan! You are not part of our community. You do not represent our community nor Michael Jackson.
I believe that being a Michael Jackson fan is more than enjoying his music and his dance. It is also a way of life we want for ourselves. It is believing we can make a better place with our actions.
Well said, Sebastian.
I love this, it’s pretty true, I think that, and I reallylove the point 4

let’s make that change!!!!
@Kerry, you just wrote what I want to say !
Wow! This is exactly it! Being a Michael Jackson fan is more than his music, it’s a way of life and representing his love xo
what he did was wrong. but lol he ain’t only mj fans out there who do dumb stuff. the fans community has problems that’s why i’m not exactly in the community i’m more of those fans who see what’s going with michael then leave shut off my computer for a day.
he isn’t an beilever in jesus christ because if he was he wouldn’t did what he did. i’ll be praying for him.
and i’ll be praying for everyone in this community because if michael was alive he would be very disappointed how his so call fans do things like this.
have an bless day/night
I believe Mike was sending peaceful energy down to Earth and that is why he was wearing that Bad Tour Jacket. Mike helped him get caught !
I miss and love you every day Mike.